Mali: Morocco, Mali Sign Religious Affairs Accord

By Siham Ali, 13 November 2013

Rabat — Morocco and Mali will work together to promote the moral values of Islam and the rejection of takfirist ideology.

Under a religious affairs co-operation agreement signed Monday (November 11th) in Rabat, Morocco and Mali will „share ideas and information with regard to ways of countering extremist thinking, and ensure that Islamic principles of tolerance are obeyed and become the norm in both countries“.

To implement the accord at the ground level, Morocco and Mali will arrange congresses to co-ordinate their standpoints on Islamic issues of mutual interest

Morocco is determined to support the people of Mali by strengthening co-operation in religious affairs, promoting a tolerant form of Islam and tackling the rise of extremism, Habous and Islamic Affairs Minister Ahmed Taoufiq said after signing the agreement with the Malian minister delegate in charge of religious affairs, Thierno Amadou Omar Hass Diallo.

Scholarships at institutes of higher education may also be offered to Malian students.